Sequencing VoloView Express 2.0

July 31, 2010 by Ramesh

While Sequencing VoloView Express 2.0 you might encounter an issue which would crash the sequencer.

Details of the error are as follows. 

After the monitoring process, when we click the next button, above error shows up indicating that Sequencer has crashed. Subsequently, following error message pops up as well

The Sequencer goes back to the initial phase of sequencing process upon clicking OK there by not allowing us to sequence the application successfully

       The MSI(mostly) contains "RunOnce" key (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce) and registers lot of application related files. 
       This ought to be deleted either from the MSI before sequencing or from the registry in between the sequencing process.

       These files should be manually registered for proper functionality.

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Sequencing Reuters Messaging 8.0

July 21, 2010 by Ramesh

Reuters Messaging 8.0 has multiple issues after virtualizing.

Issue 1: Upon launching the shortcut, the below errors are seen. 

Upon selecting OK, the following screen shows up

Upon clicking "OK", the above messages disappear and the application launches.

Issue 2: After sequencing and launching the application on Windows7, The above errors are seen when you launch the options tab from the Menu.
NOTE: The virtualized application's look and feel would be radically different from that of a physical install.

Add the below environment variable in the OSD

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Sequencing Adobe CS4

July 7, 2010 by Ramesh

Issue: On Win7 64 bit OS, while launching one of the products like Photoshop CS4 or Illustrator CS4 etc, the application loads for few seconds before License fails. There after the application never works

Below error message seen

“Licensing for this product has stopped working.
You cannot use this product at this time. You must repair the problem by uninstalling and then reinstalling this product or contacting your IT administrator or Adobe customer support for help.”

Solution: Sequence the application on Win7

Reason: The Creative Suite has 2 versions of service (32 & 64 bit). 32 bit service gets installed when sequenced on a 32 bit OS. And hence fails to kick in on a 64 bit OS.

Note:  The application CANNOT be opened for upgrade albeit you need to upgrade the sequenced application. The service fails to kick in after performing an upgrade thereby showing up the above error once again.

As the sequenced application(Full Suite) runs into 4+GB in size, it is always a better idea to break them into independent products like Illustrator CS4, InDesign CS4 for sequencing

The same is applicable for Adobe Creative Suite 3 (CS3) products as well

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Sequencing IBM Eclipse 2.31

July 2, 2010 by Ramesh

Issue After Sequencing Eclipse 2.13, the below error might be seen upon launching the shortcut. It is imperative to remember that the error shows up even when you install JRE before sequencing the application.

Upon launching the application on Win7, we might see the below error as well
Solution The change required to get Eclipse working is as follows
                 Install JRE 1.6 to T:\

For Instance,
            If you sequence Eclipse to T:\ECLIPSE.231, you will have to install JRE 1.6 to T:\ECLIPSE.231\JRE as well as the application expects JRE to be installed in this location

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Dynamic Suiting

July 1, 2010 by Ramesh

When you dynamic suite virtual applications, Environment variables need special care as they are never shared among virtual applications. Meaning, a variable defined as "INCLUDE" in the dependency application doesn't mean the primary application has a knowledge about this variable.

After dynamic suiting, value of "INCLUDE" variable of the dependency application ought to included in the OSD's of the primary application. Failing to do this operation would result in inconsistent behavior when an operation based on this environment variable (INCLUDE) is triggered.

Most importantly, if your primary application also includes a definition for the same variable, you ought to append the value of the "INCLUDE" variable with the primary application's "INCLUDE". Effectively, there CANNOT be multiple environment variables with same name. Having such variables would result in loss of data. Meaning, The last value of the "INCLUDE" variable overrides the previous entries.

For Instance

                                The OSD named "ASIA-Ex - Incorrect.OSD" has Environment variables "INCLUDE" & "LIB" which repeats itself after dynamic suiting. This results in loss of data of the previously defined "INCLUDE" and "LIB" variables thereby breaking the functionality of the applications.

Content of ASIA-Ex – Incorrect.OSD


                 To overcome this issue append the values of the "INCLUDE" & "LIB" from the dependency application with that of the primary application.

Content of ASIA-Ex – correct.OSD

<ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE="INCLUDE">%SFT_MNT%\Sybase.12\OCS-12_0\include;%SFT_MNT%\MQCLINTC.6\tools\c\include;%SFT_MNT%\MQCLINTC.6\tools\cplus\include</ENVIRONMENT>

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